Torus/Buckle Fractures


Structure of the break: This fracture shows a buckling or bending of the bone, which may form a small bulge. There may be no fracture as such, but the buckling of the bone is included as a fracture.



Diagnosis: This type of fracture almost always occurs in children as their bones are not yet fully developed and maintain some degree of flexion before they break. Along with taking in to account how the injury occurred, an X-ray is usually a sufficient diagnostic tool.



Cause: This type of fracture usually occurs when children receive a sharp impact along the axis of an outstretched limb eg. falling on outstretched arms or landing from a height with locked knees.



Treatment: The fracture very rarely needs surgery. The bone will need to be immobilised, to allow it to heal, although for a shorter time than other types of fracture.


Buckle Fracture of the Distal Radius



(Hover over for description)



Types of Fractures: Transverse / Oblique / Spiral / Logitudinal / Green Stick / Comminuted / Torus/Buckle / Impacted / Hairline / Compression/Crush / Avulsion





Fig.1 – Courtesy of James Heilman MD, Wikipedia